Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Note to self

Wear shoes when baking.

My feet hurt...

I just spent 2.5 hours making chocolate covered pretzels! The chocolate kept falling off of the pretzels in chunks though, it was weird. The white chocolate didn't turn out as great as I had hoped. But luckily they still taste amazing! That's all that matters, right?

You'll just have to wait until Saturday for pictures. I can't wait to share everything from that day with you all.

I got my vendor number last night!! I'm number 8. It's perfect because it's Gabe's favorite number. I think its a great location too. Well I hope it is. And if its not than I will make it a great location!

I think tomorrow night I will make cookies, Thursday night I will make chocolate covered pretzels again, then Friday will be cinnamon rolls. I still have to print off all of my labels, signs, and maybe some business cards...

Still lots to do, but I can't wait!!!


  1. Sounds like everything is coming along nicely!! I can't wait for pictures :)
    ps.........8 is my favorite number too!!

  2. YAY! I can't wait to see pictures!! You'd better post right away!
