Friday, April 1, 2011

The Guinea Pigs...

I have spent all day planning for the farmers market. I'm probably over doing it. But that's fine with me, I'm enjoying it, probably more than I should.

Last night I made a batch of cinnamon rolls so that Gabe could take them to work. I am trying to perfect my recipes before the farmers market. I have officially decided that his co-workers will be my guinea pigs. Not that they are complaining. The verdict of the cinnamon rolls.... drum roll please.....

They loved them!!!!

Not a single complaint. Which of course made me smile all day. I probably looked like a huge dork with a big cheesy grin all day. Since I have perfected my cinnamon rolls I decided to work on cookies. They didn't turn out as good as I had hoped, but tonight was the first attempt, so I'm not complaining. I'm trying to decide if customers would rather buy one large cookie or a few small ones. It would be the same amount of cookie though... any thoughts? Which would you be more inclined to purchase?

My day was also spent at 4 different grocery stores. If I'm going to be using a ton of flour I might as well buy it from the cheapest place. So I went into each store with my notebook and wrote down the prices for everything baking related. Not such an easy task with a toddler. As funny as it sounds, I was terrified standing in the aisles writing down prices. I thought a manager was going to come up to me and kick me out thinking I was the competition trying to have lower prices. But this is also the girl who is afraid to put her hands in her pocket while in any store. I have this fear that if I put my hands in my pocket someone is going to see me and think that I am stealing merchandise. I have never stolen anything in my life, so I'm not sure how this fear developed... I'm rambling, sorry....

But if you've spoken to me you would know its just what I do. 

But this is my blog so I can type how I speak if I want, right? 


Well, back to farmers market planning. I have already purchased a few supplies for my 'booth'. If you can call it that, its just a side walk. I purchased an outdoor canopy (for shade), a table, and a cash box. Now we just have to hope I make at least enough to pay for everything I've bought. It still depends on how much I price the cinnamon rolls at, but I figure I have to sell at least one cinnamon roll every hour the whole season in order to come out even. Which isn't too bad. It's just 4 hours each Saturday. Hopefully I can do it!!! If not, its going to be a great experience. It is going to be quite awful standing outside in July for 4 hours though. Time to stock up on sunscreen!!

  I'm going to leave you with some pictures that I LOVE!!!

I may just have a blog of all pictures one of these days. There are soooo many adorable pictures that I would just love to share.

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